
For  God's  sake,  will  someone bloody enable AMOS multi-tasking!?  I'm
trying  to  reply to an article (I normally find it and then decrunch it
and  then use CED's multiple open document thing to reply to it and read
it at the same time), but I can't find it!  Gord ....

Good I've found it (by looking at the .cfg file) ...


Dave  Diamond  replied  to one of my articles that was about why I don't
like Americans.

Well,  I better clear it up, as I have made things as clear as dog shite
in a glass wiv beetroot juice in it (eugh!).

It's  not  I don't like Americans full-stop.  I just HATE Americans that
totally  &  utterly  stereotype  England like mad.  They wibble on about
England being "quaint" and one massive country side and shite like that,
which annoys the hell outt'a me.

Dave  goes  on  about  "if it wasn't for the Americans, we wouldn't have
...."  -  all  I  can  say  is "SO BLADDY WHAT!?".  Great looking babes?
Erm...  Dave, they didn't invent sexy looking gals, y'know.

Wrestling?   Nope, din't invent that either.  The Simpsons?  Er...  this
is  just  a  massively  over-rated  pile of dog shite of'a cartoon (with
YELLOW  characters!).   "Eat My Shorts", "Don't Have A Cow Man" - WHAT A

Prince songs??  HA HA!  The Artist Formerly Known As TWAT, IS A REET GOD
DAMN  "UP-HIS-OWN-ARSE"  WANKER!   I'd  laff  me rocks off if he got his
knackers caught in a lift - whatta' tosser!

Great Clothing? Umm.... not really.

Great Sporting Stars?  Dave, you're great at telling jokes!

Pamela Anderson.  C'mon, she's just a stupid bitch full of plaggy.  When
she gets hot, I bet there's a stink of burning plastic.

Dave,  Dave,  Dave...  I've also noticed you use American spelling.  One
of the most annoying things on the planet.

Sorry,  I  just  can't be bothered to continue, maybe I'll write another
article about it later sometime.  Bye y'all ....


[America  is split into North and South.  The north is the states or USA
and  is  made up of cultures from every other place on earth.  All these
cultures  combine to provide what we term "American" and because of it's
location  and  cultures  it  has  a  thriving  business  world and large
television  studio  companies  hence 50% of everything is American these
days.   Untill  other  countries  can  compete  with  northern america's
television output things will remain as they are today.  On another note
however  a  mate  at work pointed out that american women sound sexy but
american men come across as nasal arseholes.  Feedback please!  Kei]
